May 6, 2022

The 5 Benefits of Hicomply

Make your standards & certifications easier to manage, faster to implement and maximise all the benefits they should be giving you. View the ISMS benefits…

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hicomply benefits

1. Commercial and Competitive Advantage
1.1. Win and retain more of your customers
1.2. Win more tenders
1.3. Achieve more certifications, increasing your appeal to a wider customer base
2. Quicker Implementation, Less Cost
2.1. Reduce the cost and time to become compliant or certified
2.2. Automation of evidence logging
3. Easier Management of your Certifications
3.1. Make it easier to manage all standards, ISMS, QMS, PCI and more
3.2. Transparency of what needs to be done
3.3. Automation of admin tasks and management of your ISMS
3.4. Easier, automated Policy Management
4. Reduce Risk
4.1. A more robust ISMS enables better risk management reducing the:
4.2. Risk of losing your certifications
4.3. Impact of data breaches
4.4. Risk of your supply chain impacting your business
4.5. Chance of loss or damage to your assets
5. Improve your Culture
5.1. Fosters a culture of transparency, responsibility and accountability
5.2. Ensure employee compliance and ease of onboarding new staff
5.3. Easier to get staff and key stakeholder buy-in

1. Commercial and Competitive Advantage

1.1 Win and retain more of your customers

How do you demonstrate your credentials and expertise in Information Security over and above a competitor who also claims to have an ISMS in place or ISO 27001 certification? Answer: By having a Hicomply ISMS portal, giving you a more robust ISMS with all of the benefits that come with it. Sections 3 to 5 below outline benefits prospective customers will appreciate demonstrate your commitment to Information Security and that you are managing your ISMS effectively.

1.2 Win more tenders

Hicomply out of the box provides you with everything you need for your ISMS. Most enterprise level customers who tender work to their supply chain will stipulate that you have an ISMS in order for you to even be considered as a supplier. If their information security requirements are not clearly stated make sure you ask.

1.3 Achieve more certifications, increasing your appeal to a wider customer base

Managing ISO 27001 is time consuming and resource heavy. If you can automate the administration as much as possible and have all staff self-serving their obligations within the Hicomply platform, then you free-up your compliance team to focus on their core objectives. Giving you the ability to add more certifications to elevate your organisation even higher in the field of excellence. Our standard mapping tool displays the policies and procedures you already have in place which apply to other standards, ensuring you quickly understand how much work is required for your next certificate of excellence. For more information on the commercial impact of being certified click here.

2. Quicker Implementation, Less Cost

2.1 Reduce the cost and time to become compliant or certified

Reduce internal and/or consultancy man hours. Hicomply is laden with features that make setting up an ISMS quicker and easier. From our templates that automatically populate their content, to asset registers that populate from our pre-loaded asset libraries, risk assessments that auto generate, actions that automatically send reminders, documents that automatically update.

2.2 Automation of evidence logging

A major impact on the time taken and success of achieving and maintaining certification is the obligation and need to log evidence. Hicomply automatically logs evidence of tasks being completed, treatment of risks, policy updates and implementation of procedures. Then just invite your external auditor into your Hicomply workspace and they can see all the information they need, without you having to hunt for it.

3. Easier Management of your Certifications

3.1 Make it easier to manage all standards, ISMS, QMS, PCI and more

The multi project design of Hicomply workspace makes managing multiple standards a breeze. Providing a fully integrated Information Management System or IMS. Access policies across multiple standards when relevant, preventing duplication of policies. Our standard mapping tool maps policies and procedures against other standards ensuring you understand what is required.

3.2 Transparency of what needs to be done

The Hicomply Dashboard automatically gives a clear snapshot of the areas and tasks that need addressing as a priority. Non-compliance issues are flagged automatically. Clarity on these actions reduces the ISMS administration and focus staff on the actions they need to take, to stay compliant and protect your business. For more information on our Dashboard click here.

3.3 Automation of admin tasks and management of your ISMS

Our task management tools come out of the box pre-populated with the tasks your organisation needs to complete to manage your ISMS effectively. When meetings and procedures lead to actions that need to be completed, Hicomply automates and logs those actions, automatically notifying and reminding key stakeholders of their responsibilities and automatically logging the evidence that they have been completed.

3.4 Easier, automated Policy Management

Hicomply brings your policies and procedures to life, by integrating the information and processes into a live digital environment. Seamless automated transfer of information into each individual policy, ensures your documentation is always up to date. Version control and audit trails are automated, saving time and ensuring compliance obligations are met. Dissemination of policy changes are automated and notified across your organisation to those we need them. For more information on our Policy Management click here.

4. Reduce Risk

4.1 – 4.5 A more robust ISMS enables better risk management

Hicomply reduces or lessens the chance of lapsed certifications, the impact of data breaches and loss or damage to your assets. Organisations lose their certification and are subject to fines often because they don’t stay on top, or are overwhelmed by the processes and admin involved with implementing or managing an ISMS. Recording the evidence you are adhering to a standard alone is time consuming. Hicomply does much of that automatically for you. Version control, logs of activity and actions taken to treat risks are all recorded. Holding staff and teams accountable for their compliance actions and ensuring risks are treated and managed effectively. An External Auditor or Certifying Body can then be invited into your Hicomply workspace to view it all for themselves. For more information on our Risk Management tools click here.

5. Improve your Culture

5.1 Fosters a culture of transparency, responsibility and accountability

Your personal data, your staff and customers data is precious and valued by them. If you work with customer data then show your staff what calibre of an organisation you are, by investing in a solution that makes it easier to secure everyone’s data. For the benefit of you, them and your organisations’ success. Hicomply is not only a tool for your compliance team, but your whole organisation. C-level, Finance, HR, Sales etc. and even external auditors are all invited into the platform. Elevating the importance of information security and the responsibility of everyone in your organisation.

Consider that the majority of data breaches happen due to internal employee errors and you will start to understand how important this is.(Cyber Sec survey 2020)

5.2 Ensure employee compliance and ease of onboarding new staff

All policies, procedures and tasks required for staff are held in one place and flagged to them when required. Completion of tasks is logged automatically and fed into the dashboard so the compliance team can see who is up to date.

5.3 Easier to get staff and key stakeholder buy-in

Possibly the biggest challenge and most crucial part of implementing and maintain an IMS or ISMS is getting the senior management buy-in. If they aren’t committed to this then it can easily fail without their support. Within Hicomply their obligations are clearly laid out and the system reminds them of any tasks needed, taking the burden off the compliance team and holding leadership accountable for their part.

For more information on the benefits of certification and many other topics in the information security space please check out our Blog here. It would be great to hear from you so please use the link below to get in touch.

Risk Management
Compliance Reporting
Policy Management
Incident Management
Audits and Assessments

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Risk Management
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Policy Management
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Audits and Assessments