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Environmental Resource Management (ERM) Case Study

No other software vendor has invested this level of effort in our success, and we are most grateful”

– David Reilly, Environmental Resource Management Technical Lead

Environmental Resource Management (ERM) is the world’s largest advisory firm focused solely on sustainability, offering unparalleled expertise across business and finance. ERM supports clients across the business lifecycle and at all levels to assist in the transition towards a sustainable economy; creating sustainable products and supply chains; developing physical assets in a sustainable way; and integrating sustainability into daily operations.

With the help and support of Hicomply, ERM has also been able to seamlessly integrate ISO 27001 into daily operations, too.

The review

“The relationship we have with the Hicomply team is possibly the best we have with any of our vendors. It is that relationship that has enabled us to make use of the Hicomply system with such effectiveness, leading to our own ISO 27001 certification in a very short timeframe.”

Why does your organisation need 27001?

“ISO 27001 is an essential part of security management and the certification demonstrates to our customers and investors that we are properly managing the security and integrity of their data. It also helps to accelerate the acceptance of our products and services during the sales process.”

How did you manage 27001 previously?

“Before investing in an ISMS, our security configuration was difficult to manage with an inconsistent application of controls. Without an agreed approach it was not possible to measure our security performance.”

Why did you choose Hicomply?

“The functionality of Hicomply best suited our requirements, and the application appeared to be well maintained and under constant development.”

How have you found the customer service you have received?

“The entire team far exceed our expectations. We feel that we are an active part of the evolution of the Hicomply system. Many of our requests have been implemented and we have received detailed guidance to enable us to make best use of the available features.

“No other software vendor has invested this level of effort in our success, and we are most grateful to Laura and her team. Long may it continue!”

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ISO27001 Solution The easy route to certification Platform All you need in one place